At The Org we are respectful of each other. Period.


All employees in NY state will during onboarding and every year be required to complete mandatory harassment training in order for us to sustain a healthy work environment that is safe for all.

Sexual harassment is against the law. All employees have a legal right to a workplace free from sexual harassment, and The Org is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment. Per New York State Law, The Org has a sexual harassment prevention policy in place that protects you. This policy applies to all employees, paid or unpaid interns and non-employees in our workplace, regardless of immigration status. You are receiving this notice, as required by law, either at the time of hiring or during your annual sexual harassment prevention training.

"If you see something say something"

If you believe you have been subjected to or witnessed sexual harassment, you are encouraged to report the harassment to a supervisor, manager or Nate Silver, Head of People and Culture so we can take action.

Purpose and intent are not required for a behavior to be considered harassment. The impact and perception is as important. Therefore do not only treat your team members the way YOU would like to be treated, but treat them like THEY wish to be treated.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy.pdf

Combat Harassment Complaint Form.docx

Link to NY State guidance on combatting harassment