This page is for everyone - the luminous greenies or those just getting starting the greening and sustainability journey. The Org may be in its infancy today but through collectively making small but measured changes there is no doubt that our impact on our beloved planet and our communities will be huge, much like everything else we do.

The intention of this page is to provide inspiration on where you can switch to greener habits and products as well as resources to learn more and stay up to date with the latest on sustainability and other green things. It is a living document so please contribute your ideas, experiences, learnings especially on how we can make a greater contribution as a company (see space below ⬇️. The sustainability road is a complex one and, while we work on a wider sustainability initiative every small contribution and change makes a difference

Cheat sheet 📋

Below are some quick actions/switches to consider in making small steps in the greening direction. They are categorized by where they have the greatest impact and denoted by either:

P - Product switch: a green product swap

H - Habit switch: a behavioral change to a greener habit

Please add!

Ideas board 📝

Please add any initiatives, program ideas which you would like to be involved in and help execute at The Org

*Insert your ideas here!!

Cool companies/startups paving the way 🌱

Resources ♻️

2 min video on “what is the Paris Agreement”

The EU’s parliamentary paper on Denmark’s Climate action plan (a great resource!)

Copenhagen waste circular waste management plan - 2024

Ministry of Environment of Denmark

UN climate change key findings and facts and figures